• Question: may i ask how long would it take to make a range rover sport 2012, and what cost?

    Asked by livelong2strokes to Al, Emma, Ivanka, James, Omar on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: James Vokes

      James Vokes answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      I don’t know, maybe Omar will.

    • Photo: Omar Mustufvi

      Omar Mustufvi answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      Engineering development for a new car roughly takes 3-4 years but people are designing concepts now for 5-10 years in the future. Brand new cars cost hundreds of millions of pounds in development costs over the 3 years- this covers all the engineering (including my salary!), materials, manufacturing and facilities needed.

    • Photo: Al Bartlett

      Al Bartlett answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Hello livelong2strokes,

      This is Omar’s field of expertise so there’s not a lot for me to add!!
